The Mendocino Woodlands State Park is a year-round group camping retreat facility and environmental center nestled in the heart of the Redwood Forest, just Northeast of the town of Mendocino. A 720 acre park, the Woodlands offers three private group cabin camping areas, each with a large, well equipped kitchen, dining hall, cabins, showers and bathrooms. The camping areas can accommodate groups of 30 to 200.
Our peaceful, rustic setting creates a unique learning environment for personal growth, retreats, training seminars, dance, music, church, youth and nature study groups. Plan a full day of activities or let each day unfold at its own pace. Hiking trails, a large beaver pond, river otters, deer, fox and other natural amenities complete the "magic" of the Mendocino Woodlands.
Individuals can enjoy the camp in three ways:
? Contact a group camp listed on the Uncommon Vacations page to see if you can join. Many groups are looking to expand their numbers and would welcome you.
? Become a Friends of the Woodlands volunteer for an inexpensive, fun-filled weekend. Help the Woodlands tackle a project for a few hours, and have the rest of the weekend to yourself. Meals and lodging included.
? Sign up for Fall Weekend Workshops on interesting topics such as herbs, wilderness first aid, and more.