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State of Arizona Parks

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USA Parks
Phoenix & Central Region
Arlington State Wildlife Area
Arlington State Wildlife Area © Patti Anderson
Cactus Wren ©
A species of wren that is native to the southwestern United States southwards to central Mexico.
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The Arlington Wildlife Area (AWA) is located along the west bank of the Gila River approximately 3-1/2 miles south of Arlington and 15 miles southwest of Buckeye in Maricopa County, Arizona. AWA is approximately 1500 acres, being composed of lands owned by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission and lands owned by other governmental agencies but managed for wildlife by Game and Fish under long-term agreement.
Nature of the Area
The wildlife area has two ponds totaling approximately 10 acres, an extensive stand of salt cedar, and about 4 miles of river channel including running water, cattails and other emergent vegetation, sand and gravel bars and riparian trees such as cottonwood, willow and salt cedar. The soil is classified as Gila loam, and the elevation is 800 to 900 feet. Rainfall averages about eight inches per year, and temperatures range from 75?F to 120?F in the summer to 30?F to 70?F during the winter.

The open water ponds attract numerous waterfowl and shorebirds. Yuma clapper rails (Rallus longirostris yumanensis) nest on site. The salt cedar bosque provides nesting habitat for red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus), doves, and other riparian bird species. The salt cedar bosque also provides cover for various mammals, amphibians and reptiles. The area is used by quail, doves, egrets, herons, geese, coyote (Canis latrans), fox, bobcat (Felis rufus), common raccoon (Procyon lotor), skunks, small mammals, reptiles, amphibians, raptors and wetland associated species.
AWA was established with an emphasis on waterfowl, and is particularly favorable as a location where limited mobility hunters can gain access for duck hunting. This area also has a very high value for its dove nesting habitat and the federally endangered Yuma clapper rail is a regular nesting species in the ponds and along the river. The objectives for AWA are:

A. To maintain habitat for waterfowl, doves, Yuma clapper rails and other wildlife that use AWA.

B. To provide compatible hunting, wildlife viewing, and other wildlife oriented recreational opportunities.

Arlington State Wildlife Area is located near Buckeye, Buckeye and Glendale

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